Why Willow Montessori Academy?
The Montessori Method refers to a child-centered philosophy of education developed by the Italian anthropologist and physician, Dr. Maria Montessori. It is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. WMA provides an authentic Montessori education based on Dr. Montessori’s principles and the standards set forth by the American Montessori Society. Encouraging a child’s innate desire to learn, providing a prepared child-friendly learning environment, and supporting children’s need to work at their own pace remain the foundation of the program. In addition, our children learn in mixed-age classrooms under the guidance of Montessori-credentialed teachers or in training. Learning is emphasized through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or reading. Willow Montessori is dedicated to the emotional, academic, spiritual, social, and physical development of the child.
What is meant by Spiritual Being of a Child or Development of a Child?
Inner peace and tranquility are essential to a child’s readiness to learn and their ability to concentrate. Willow Montessori Academy is a secular school and spiritual development of a child starts in the classroom where materials are carefully organized on shelves according to a curriculum sequence and with a Montessori-trained faculty. Grace and courtesy, essential elements of a Montessori classroom, are emphasized and modeled by the adults. Maria Montessori’s first classroom, opened in 1907, was named Casa dei Bambini, because she believed the classroom belongs to the children where they work and learn in a secure, safe, and supportive environment.
Why Are There Children of Different Ages in The Same Montessori Classroom?
Dr. Montessori observed that adult society is represented by multi-age beings and the benefits of peer observation and learning and collaboration could be successfully implemented in a classroom. Young children flourish more rapidly in classes that span two or three years. Multi-age grouping encourages older children to assist and mentor their younger classmates, while the younger ones look forward to moving on to the more challenging activities they see around them. Most importantly, the multi-age grouping allows children to master work at their own pace. Students move on to advanced topics as they are academically prepared for them, not simply when they reach a given age level.